Tuesday, 16 April 2013

slowly lost her ;(

salam and hi..

in one month, we will lost her for real, we have no right to 'bebel' to her, scold her, expect her to be with us all the time, guess my mom sure miss her so much. she's the loveable in family afterall. i didn't expect that i'll lost her too soon and i am not prepare for that.

why she can't just stay the same? where she got these guts to make us feel like this? i love her but at the same time i hate her action toward us.

why she can just understand the reason we do certain things. its for her own sake ya know. it so frustrating. urgh!!!

moral of the story; please don't change yourself, if it is for betterment then okay, but if it make you worst please don't.

*semoga aku tak tergolong dalam kalangan-kalangan orang yang macam tu. amin ;')

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

A day after operation

assalamualaikum and hi..

Dad's condition is stable at first, but few hours later it getting worst as the bleeding happen to be non-stop. we're really worried because doc has said before its okay as long as no bleeding after operation. then till night, the on-call doc, Dr Shafiq come and treat ayah. then dad's condition getting better alhamdulillah. 

a worried me 
meal for lunch

haku yang makan XD

loyal sister ;p
i love them ;*. please pray the best for our family as it help so much without we realize about it ;)


Sunday, 17 February 2013

Operation Day

assalamualaikum dan selamat pagi..

Hari ini sangat mendebarkan. ayah sedang di operate sekarang ini di Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Jb. Ayah masuk pukul 7.30am and operation was started around 9am.

Actually, i thought this operation is kind of simple as before this doc wanna use laser or something thru ayah's nose in order to remove the cyst. oh plus, i thought it is a cyst, but turn out it became tumor already. double nervous and afraid.  back to how my dad will be operated, according to my sister ayah's tulang hidung will be removed then they will refer to pakar otak to korek2 the tumor. the tumor's size is about 3cm. Then, they will glue all of them back if tak cukup kulit, amek kulit dari kaki. Thank God ayah's tumor ni jenis yg baik, dia tak merebak tempat lain. Alhamdulillah.

According to doc, there are many possibilities that might happen. for example, the tumor can only be removed maybe 80%, or even 20 or 30 percent only. Oh Allah, how i wish it can be removed all of it. And the darah that ayah's will get ftom org2 yg menderma tu, though it has been screened, but we never know if the darah tak sihat. ya know what i mean aite. mohon dijauhkan lah Ya Allah. 

Another truth is though dad's tumor has been removed, dad's vision can be treated. The purpose of the operation is to avoid the tumor become worst. Poor ayah.. 

"Ya Allah, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, Ya Malik, Ya Aziz, Ya Jabbar, lindunglah ayahku, Mohd Sah b Hj Ibrahim. Berkatilah operation ini Ya Allah, tunjukkan lah keajaiban-Mu Ya Allah, kurniakanlah penglihatan yang baik terhadap ayah ku Ya Allah. Pinjamkan lah kekuatan-Mu kpd kami sekeluarga Ya Allah. Kepada Mu kami memohon dan kepada Mu kami meminta pertolongan. Sembuhkan lah penyakit ayahku, amin amin amin ya rabbalalamin"

me, uda, along
mom look so worry
dad is getting ready
i love all of the above. please protect them Ya Rabb :')

Friday, 15 February 2013

i know they love me, i know they care

assalamualikum dan selamat pagi ;)
for this entry, i wanna talk about my precious people. aisha and kak alya, i wont be matured if i dont have you guys around. though, kita selalu merapu dan melepak, tapi korang akan come out dgn quote from someone or pepatah hidup lebih kurang macam tu la which makes me to ponder. each word brings different meaning. aku ni dah jenis pemalas nak fikir2 or do something yg boleh menambahkan ilmu aku, but with them i can gain knowledge and with them i realized how important for us to know some basic or current information.

eh btw, guy i met him in twitter, we break off already. is not that break off taw, kitaorang pun cuma kawan rapat je before ni takde declare apa2 pun. make it short, his dad has found someone suitable with him then he let go of our relationship. that's the end of our story. just wait and meet with other guy. haha

ahh sleepy already. got to sleep. later i will upload my precious's pictures and me as well. wuhuuu!