Monday, 5 May 2014

Dikir Zikir FIkir

Assalamualaikum and good morning..

Last night I went to a talk.. Aisha told me last minute and I was like okay I'm going inshaAllah. Kadang-kadang perkara yang kita rancang rapi, tapi bila Allah tak izinkan tak kan jadi juga. And things out of plan but Allah dah cakap kufayakun then it will happen macam-macam mana pun.

So let me share some input that i got last night. Well its kind of reminder to self juga bila later I baca entri ni balik kan...

(copy paste from my note)

Dikir zikir fikir
Ustazah Bahyah - 5th May 2014 - 10.15pm

1. Taat kepada ibu bapa
-balasan anak solehah :
i. Dosa terhapus
ii. Bahagia dunia akhirat
iii. Husnul khatimah (penyudah yg baik)
iv. Masuk syurga

(MashaAllah.. Sape tak nak tu semua?? Senang je plus bila buat dengan hati yang ikhlas kan.. Tapi bila fikir balik menyesal la apa yang buat dulu-dulu time zaman jahiliah. Huhu. May Allah accept our repentance.)

2. Berbakti kepada ibu bapa
i. Mengandung melahir menyusu

(refer to mak kita yang buat tu semua.. dont you feel you have to pay those? and even you give them thousand of money pon its still not paid off. Think back apa yang kita dah buat untuk mereka.. And if nak compare pun macam tak layak je kan. Sobss)

3. Menghargai pengorbanan ibu bapa terutama sekali ibu
i. Important rather than berjihad

(Rasulullah s.a.w pun cakap menjaga ibu lagi penting dari berjihad. As we know pahala berjihad ni besar and kalau mati dalam berjihad ni syurga tempatnya inshaAllah. Tapi jaga ibu lagi penting.. So pahala dia agak-agak apa? )

4. Dapatkan keredhaan ibu bapa
Keredhaan Allah terletak dlm keredhaan ibu and ayah
Kemurkaan Allah terletak dlm ibu ayah jugak

(Kalau ibu bapa tak redha apa yang dia dah beri.. Bayangkan Allah nak lepaskan masuk syurga ke tak? Allah pun tak nak bagi keredhaan kat kita.. MashaAllah. Semoga kita sentiasa berada dalam keredhaan Allah s.w.t dan ibu bapa kita. Amin.)

Any correction or addition please let me know. You can do so..

Sesunguhnya yang baik tu datang dari Allah dan yg kekurangan itu datang dari saya sendiri..



Monday, 28 April 2014


Assalamualaikum and good morning..

Before start doing my job, i need to express first. 

Alhamdulillah, Praise be to Allah for giving me chance to live another day. SubhanAllah.. Are we deserve to live without doing nothing? Sure when someone give you something you need to do something in return. But Allah did not ask much from us, He just want us to do good deeds,be a better muslim, listen to His order and avoid bad deeds. Is not it so easy? InshaAllah May He bless us..

Today i got my confirmation letter after 3 months probationary period was end. There are the pros and cons actually by receiving this letter. The cons is, once i confirm i need to give 2 months notice before i resign.. The main concern is, once i know the result of this posting thing, they didn't give us much time as my friend said lah. 2 weeks notice only. Duhh how im going to face those..

Allahu, May Allah help and ease our journey. Ameen. 

#sotd #rotd

"There are no other great lost other than we lost our Prophet Rasulullah s.a.w"

MashaAllah.. That statement shows that we cannot be too sad when lost someone or something. Everything is belong to Allah s.w.t. Who are we to blame or feels sad when we lost them? Surely when Allah take something from us, but He will return with something which better than before. He knows best right..

"Oh Allah, make my heart close with you. Please clean and purify my heart Ya Rabb and remove all the black dot.. Make my heart strong and istiqamah in worshiping You.. Forgive all my wrongdoings.. and my family as well. Ya Malik.. Ya Rahman.. please ease our plan and give blessing to us"

Ameen Ya Rabbal Alamin

Allahu.. Allah


Before post entry check previous entry dulu then i laugh at myself. HAHA. Actually was thinking of creating a new blog tapi this is my journey of life. Ups and Down. Worst and Good. Always changing and once i am in the right path, then i am going to sustain and keep improving inshaAllah.

Thing make me gelak is about the guy that i met in twitter. Yeah because sekarang pun macam baru lepas berpisah dengan kawan baru yang i met. LOL.

Hopefully will fade away lah and can stand with those updates in facebook from both of them. Pray the best for them. Ameen :). They are good and intelligent people.. SubhanAllah. and they meant for each other.. Alhamdulillah.


"Don't assume. Don't think bad of others. Don't. ruin your mind by thinking those.. Just please don't'

Kita ada Dia.. He knows what best.. 

Actually those kata-kata is meant for myself. Haha. Here is to express things in our mind kan..