Tuesday, 14 May 2019

all in one

assalamualaikum w.b.t..

after i viewed my blog and only few postings in a year so i decided to aim at least three postings in a year. hehe. this is like a self-journal kan. whenever you nak throwback boleh baca sini. lols

alhamdulillah thumma alhamdulillah

mixed news happy and sad. let me go to sad story first since i saw post about dad's operation in February 2012. well its almost 6 years and plus alhamdulillah dad'd vision is really good but starting end of last year his eyes getting blur. when he did the mri it showed his cyst is getting bigger and pressing his saraf mata. doc give him priority to do the operation. it gonna be a major operation since doc will open his skull and take out his brain, clear up the cyst and put it all back together.
allahu.. only listened to it give me goosebumps! apa ntah lagi kepada ayahku sendiri. may Allah grant his syifaa'. make it short, families majority not agreed thinking of the side effect after the operation. we are going for homeopathy pills and bekam currently. but, doc mentioned if his condition getting worst like he ada sakit kepala, vomit kena cepat-cepat bawa pergi hospital. Allah! please pray it wont happen :(

my aim this year was actully focusing on dad and futher my study. but Allah has a better plan for me. allahuakbar..

my application to further study was rejected. that feeling when you are so confident that you are gonna make it but you dont. only He knows how heartbreaking it was.

but Allah still love me. alhamdulillah. He replace that sadness with something else

Syukur. Pray Allah swt will continue to grant us His barakah, rahmah and make it ease for everything and everyone :)

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